Sunday, December 30, 2007

Everybody has somebody

24 hours and around 65 minutes to the end of 2007. Who will you be spending the last day of 2007 with?

Many said that 2007 was a great year. Economy's doing well, people getting fatter bonus, people getting married, getting pregnant & giving birth. Quite a number of my peers either graduated, furthered their studies, start their own business. People around me getting together, breaking up, patching up and finding their significant half.

Status Quo: I'm busy trying to build up a business of my own, working myself up the corporate ladder, trying my best to make time for friends and family. And I'm terribly single.

yah yah yah. I have at least another 5 very hot, smart, good looking girlfriends who are terribly single. yes singlehood rocks because we have the freedom and whatnots. But we really just want someone special to spend special occasion with, if you know what I mean.

Back to the topic of a new year beckoning. I am really looking forward to it, because of all the new beginnings it represents. To start the slate clean.
1) Hana: New place, new projects, new classes, more people
2) Work: Overseas please!!!
3) $: More money, big money
4) Family: Sister coming back! Family trip!!!
5) Friends: I have many. Too many to name out. Haha. But it'll be great if I can fulfill my Oz road trip and TW/HK/Japan/Korea shopping trip with 4FG babes. More overseas trips!!!
6) Health: Lose weight, healthier
7) Love: Luckier in love.

I have written this incredibly long wish list for 2008. But top on my list, is not to make mistakes or do the same wrong things i did in 2007. For all the things I fear in 2007, I hope to not fear anymore and face challenges bravely.

May everyone be blessed with an even better year ahead!

Friday, December 28, 2007


去年犯太歲,所以你在鼠年的上半年,仍然會受到厄運的衝擊,處事必需要堅持、忍耐和鎮定,以靜制動,直至立秋以後,運程才會明顯回順。整體來 說,你的事業和愛情都有中上之勢,宜加一點自己的努力,將運程進一步推高,就是正確的態度。雖然健康運欠佳,但只要懂得保持充足睡眠,有時間做些紓緩減壓 運動,避免進食不潔的食物,便可以將染病機會減至最低了。

整體來說,由於狗人在鼠年得到一級吉星坐命,故此你的運勢明顯有進步,但人生有得必有失,你在事業上的順利,是需要付出代價的。代價是什麼?就是在很多 時候,你都要工作至深夜時份,偶然想到自己經常要一個人孤獨奮鬥時,又會懷疑自己的付出是否值得。不過,這都是剎那間的自怨自艾,當寂寞的心情消失之後, 你又會重新全情投入工作,爭取佳績。

猴人進入鼠年,必須要規行步矩,不可行差踏錯,處事不可輕率或馬虎了事,免讓別人有機可乘,皆因今年小人當道,出現在你命宮的幾乎全是心術不正的是非小人, 目的只是要你受到批評,受到苛責。面對這些損人不利己的人物,猴人更加要小心,因為他們的目的不是尋求利益,而是要傷害別人,所以極難對付。不過,猴人天 性聰敏,話頭醒尾,懂得圓滑處世,曉得以適當態度應付不同人物,因此雖然有點吃力,但基本上都能夠為自己搭建不敗的平台。


屬鼠的朋友在本命年的運程吉凶參半。既得貴人、財星助力,也有凶煞較強的凶星入命,在不同方面騷擾你。整體來說,你的事業和財運大致良好,但愛情和健康則稍欠理想;因此,今年必須注意自己的做人和處事態度,將愛理不理的性格改掉,盡量在多方面表現出積極 的態度,有助愛侶對你改觀。另一方面,今年你的工作量甚大,容易工作超時,影響三餐及休息時間,以致抵抗力變差。必須緊記「平安是福」,錢財只是身外物而 已!

整體來說,屬虎的人,今年的運程半吉半凶,既沒有吉星助運,也沒有凶星擾命,凡事都只能靠自己,所以會份外辛勞。流年的「驛馬」星是一顆不錯的星宿,雖然不 能為你消災解煞,也不能為你提升高運氣,但祂的遷移特徵,令你愈動愈有利,愈走遠愈能生財。虎人若能把握「驛馬」為你帶來的機遇,將可以做出一番不的成 績。


今年你的運勢幾乎是所有生肖之冠,正是求謀順利,銳不可擋,事業旗開得勝,財運亨通暢順,健康精神百倍,各方面都是一帆風順,儘管愛情有點輕微阻滯,但還是 不錯的。不過,做人切記「居安思危」,順利時要盡力求成之餘,也要為蹇運時做好準備,才是讓自己立於不敗之地的不二法門





Wake up Leya

Wake up and smell the roses. Open your eyes and see clearly what needs to be done.

Somethings are never worth pursuing. Not by you anyway.

Just focus on the things you should be doing now and I bet you will feel more fulfilling and empowered than before.

Wake up from those unrealistic scenerios that you can't do anything about. Stop playing mind games with yourself. Stop trying to read and guess others' motives. Just be happy

Here's Leya talking to Leya >.<

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pursuit of Happyness

A story of tenacity.

If we never last through hardships, we never deserve anything.

If something comes so easily, we wouldn't know how to appreciate it.

If we give up now, we are nothing.

We don't need to know how electricity works, as long as we know what is electricity and what it can do.

We don't need to know how to attain our goals, we just need to know to know specifically what they are. The remaining pieces of the puzzle will fall in place automatically.

Have faith (:


Merry Christmas to all my friends, family and dearies! Tis the season to be jolly, lala-lala-la la-la-la-la.
This Xmas would be so much better if my sister is around. Nonetheless it was a cosy quiet christmas spent with v. impt people like my family and friends.
Now I wonder what I'm going to do about New Year Eve...
*p.s. matters of the heart are better left unopened, unexplored.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Your wish is my command

Xmas is around the corner. and tis the season for wishes and presents. If the universe is answering to our wishes, what will you wish for?

All I really want:
1) go on a trip with my family to Korea, Japan, HK, Australia
2) A prince charming, complete with white horse, good looks and height (do they sell those in stores?)
3) travel overseas to work, build contacts for future Hana
4) a proper credit card where I meet the minimum salary limit, meaning an increment
5) A new wardrobe

Anyway my new toy rox. But can't blog

And the soft launch was relatively successful. awesome fashion show!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Toy

new toy difficult to blog

Monday, December 17, 2007

Anger Transfusion

Have you ever subject another person to your mood swings, just because something / someone else has pissed you off?

I do tt. Pretty often to people who cares for me. They never do anything wrong, they were just there at the wrong time and the wrong place.

I'm tired of living so angrily. I just want a break from all the stress from everywhere.

I want to buy my ipod touch even though i am going to be broke after buying it.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Spring Cleaning

A day at home. And I got busy with household chores and being a gd daughter and sister. my room now looks spectacularly clean and clear. so much so I am not quite used to it.

Something I tried after reading Serene's blog - a ColorGenics test-

You feel as if you have missed out on a great deal that life had to offer and you go about trying to make up for past failures. Naturally at times you get depressed and you try to compensate for your 'missed opportunities' by living your life to the full. This is what, perhaps, may be described as 'living with exaggerated intensity'. In this way you feel you can break the chains of the past and start again - and it could be that you are right.

You are looking for something different. Your imagination has been working overtime and you are seeking adventure - and you'd like to share that adventure, the new experience, with someone like yourself: Imaginative, Enthusiastic and Sensitive.

It is amazing that you yourself believe that old 'adage' that you are a misunderstood person - and you feel that because of this you are being left out in the cold. It is because of this lack of believed understanding that you feel the need to conform to society in general - but this situation leaves you 'cold' knowing that you are not appreciated for your true self. Any relationship that you are developing at this time does not seem to involve any true emotional commitment, you seem to be just playing along.

You are holding back. You need to find friends in whom you can trust and once they have proved themselves beyond all possible doubt you will be prepared to give them your all. The existing situation is not of your liking - you have an unsatisfied need for mental stimulation with others whose standards are as high as your own. Trying to control your instincts the way you do restricts your ability to open up to others and the way you feel at this time is suggestive of 'total surrender'. This is not to your liking as you consider such thoughts as weaknesses that need to be overcome. You feel that only by control, controlling your innermost thoughts, are you able to maintain your air of superiority. You want to be admired for yourself alone and not for what you can do or for what you may have done. In essence 'you need to be needed' and at the same time 'you need to need'.

You really like doing what you do and, more than that, you like yourself. Your attitude to work and to life is that 'If its not fun - then don't do it'. You want to be liked and respected, not for who you are but for what you are - and it seems to be working.

Not all the above is true. But this is how I'm feeling. I'm really trying my best here. At work, at Hana, at home, among my friends. But am I being myself? I don't know. Trying to be a better person. But happier person or not I dunno. I conform, I keep it safe, I play it safe. I be obedient. I listen. But when does the "me" lies among all the "I"s?

I'm not confused, or lost. I just feel a tinge of restlessness, a tinge of loneliness, a tinge of 'hard work don't seem to pay off", "i feel like total chopped liver" and "why the hell am i working so hard?"

I want so much more for Christmas, Santa. Do you hear me?

I miss my sister

My family portrait
Brother and Sister
My dear sister has left for China. For 7 weeks. After a hectic last min packing, she brought 18 kg of luggage, 1 hand carry bag which weighs 5 kg to faraway Beijing which is -0 degree celsius now. As compared to her peeps, i think she has underpacked, but she was her usual bo chup self. Until we reached the airport, then the magtitude of her trip hit her. "I don't want to go liao" she muttered as she stepped out of the cab at the airport. Her friends at work and school came to send her and even wrote her a farewell gift and letter. My father couldn't stop nagging at her to wear more, look after her DS, Mac, Ipod Shuffle, Cameras (yes she brought 2) and $. My mum kept chatting with her roommate's mum while my bro and I just stood like sore thumb. I hugged my sister many times before she left. Even the stupid computer at home was tempermental and refused to start up until now. Then my sister cried. I was red eyed too.
The whole family is quite sad by her absence. Dad told my mum the 1st thing this morning: "I miss my daughter, how?" I had problem sleeping last night because the room was too quiet w/o the humming of the computer and the bed felt too empty. Bro showed me the sms she sent 1st thing this morning. At breakfast we could not stop talking about her.
Send us lots of emails, ah jun. We really miss you alot.

Sidetrack: Should I buy this?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I don't know why I am blogging so much

but today is worth blogging about.

Because it's the 1st time I've been out with Claudia doing freelance makeup job with myself in charge. The 1st time I did so was with Sarah for Kailin's friend. So today was a good revision and experience.

Everything went smoothly and the girls liked their makeup and hair. It's an achievement, for we managed to finish well within the time given. The additional hair took slightly more time.

It's time to be independent. I wished I had pictures to show Claudia's good work. I'm so proud of her.

Totally random photo log

In no chronological order, presenting to you - Leya's camera memories

Me and cute Ashley

Claudia, me and christine (see no makeup!)

Tired but pretty Angela at her ROM

Patricia, Amanda, Ashley and Asher at Kat's place
Me and very hot Sarah
Jez and me
Kailin's friend, our D&D customer. Pretty!
Felicia, also Kailin's friend. She looked so different with makeup!

Patricia and the pressie we got her
Cassandra acting cute at my request!

Photography by Cassandra, this dress is lovely and it's MINE!
My dream house in the middle of the shopping district

Happy Claudia at her birthday celebration
Claudia's cute sister, Kris (Guess her age)
My favourite dessert
Something to remind us of Xmas, outside PS

At Kase's place, she prepared a 4 course lunch for me! So thankful and it was delicious!

This prawn salad was very yummy! Look at the HUGE prawns!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Brother and Sister

The family christmas tree

I treated my sister to KTV, and movie and dinner to my siblings yesterday.

I can't remember the last time i spend time with them. My bro was his usual self not talking much, grinning at silly jokes and faces my sis were making and occassionally gruntles. He needs a makeover complete with haircut and new wardrobe. He has pretty decent looks with a goofy smile. He's just not a great conversationlist or a sociable guy. I wouldn't helping him fork out money for his new look. it will be great to be of some help to him. It's like how my sister put it. We are the most familiar strangers.

And my sister is this incredible silly teenager when she is not a pissed off angry teenager. She has passed her phase of Maple story and Neopets and now in the phase of dramas, ktv and online shopping. I think her impending trip to china is really drawing us the kids closer. I feel very reluctant to let her go but i try to make myself inclusive by spending time shopping and going ktv with her. feels like i had been out of her life for such long time.

Family is so important. and they are my everything. Family is not by choice, but by fate. No matter how we get pissed off, angry or annoyed at them, we will always walk back to them to seek solace. Bit by bit as we grow up, distance build itself between us, but we can't let distance drive a wedge between us. If communication between friends, peers, colleagues are important to our social life and add value, it's even more so for family.

When was the last time you know anything about your family?