Friday, June 08, 2007

Dreams, wishes, goals, targets

1) To retire! Stop working! before age of 25.
Sounds incredible? It will take alot of hard work and sacrifice.

2) To be the citizen of the world
Inspired by Bryan, I must travel around the world with my parents and buy property in exotic places like Tuscany, Morocco, Greece, Austria, Vietnam, Alaska etc. Before I turn 30 and before Bryan. Hee

3) To help others Blossom Within.
A Hana Shophouse, where you can eat, shop, do manicure, massage, makeup, facial and be a star! My own team of talents and an annual runway show like Victoria Secrets!

4) To be a fashion designer / merchandiser / stylist.
A childhood dream to be fulfill

5) Be a mother & have adorable kids
A simple dream.

I love dreaming. Realization of dreams can be done when you set a deadline, come up with a plan and execute it. Do you dare to dream?

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