Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Judging Everybody

Judge - who are we to judge anyone?

What is judging someone by its cover anyway? In my opinion, judging is define as labelling someone based a action or speech (which is not a common occurence) Names shall not be named, but there was once I hugged another guy friend infront of some friends. This guy friend not my boyfriend. He's simply huggable and we both know that hug did not mean anything more than friends (i treat this guy like my bro). But my other friends, well one of the guy gave me the look. I was uncomfortable, trying to explain myself. But then I tot to myself. I am me. I like hugs, I give friendly hugs. If I know u are not comfortable, I wont give. But otherwise I hug anyone and everyone (except most guys).

And I had this sex survey done with some friends. A friend of a friend is interviewing a sensitive topic of sex. It was quite informative and I like the lay-it-all-out-in-open kind of talk, where people shared honest opinions and views. It is confidential anyway, and although I was honestly abit caught off guard by the honesty of the answers but I did not judge. No labels were formed in my head except perhaps surprise (because I realize how little I know).

And there was another issue of a more sensitve nature. Don't know how to put it politically correctly but I got ticked off yesterday for not turning up. Was accused of pulling some stunt, which I innocently could say I did not. I'm just sick and tired of the drama and hoo-haa that I've decided to take a break until a proper decision is made and this issue is addressed. I hate the politics, i hate the misunderstanding, i hate the back stabbing, i hate the wrong image that was portrayed, i hate all this judging of people. They never did understand us. It's a relationship doomed for failure.

I rather be who I am, than to change who I am to suit everyone's palatte. I'm the in between child. To the wild ones, I'm the good girl. To the good ones, I'm the wild girl. Whatever. Judge whatever you want. I am just who I am.

*this is not to say we should stop changing for the better. Just don't change yourself because of someone says that's how you should be.

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