Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I was typing a rather whiny blog entry when I stopped myself. This blog is not the same as my past. I am beyond whiny or blindly in love. This blog is meant to share deep thoughts, reflections and happy things. And I have to say I am happy 80% of the time now. Just that I let minor things get to me too easily.

I have set myself certain targets to fulfill and immediate changes to be made. Determined to catch myself before I commit the same bad habit again. That's the thing about habits, to break them you have to catch yourself the minute just before you commit it. It is tough but I will do it. Because growing up is about changes and realizing the meaning behind each change.

Caren's change is phenomenal and we all know it and see it. It did not take her 21 days, 2 weeks or few months. It took her years to keep it constant. I truly admire this little great lady alot and I want to be like her to keep changing for the better. And someday in the near future, she will join the league of the wonderful ladies of the class like Faith and Dolly, as will I.

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